Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Challenges Caused by the Knowledge Economy
Challenges Caused by the Knowledge Economy With reference to the concept of the corporate curriculum, how far do you consider an organisation with which you are familiar to be meeting the challenges presented by the knowledge economy? Introduction: With the emergence of the new knowledge-based economy, organisations are slowly starting to see a new need to apply knowledge management practices and principles to their corporate curriculum. In todays competitive landscape, organisations must develop different capabilities and strategies in order to meet the demands of the knowledge economy. In order to do this, firms must be able to effectively deploy, utilize and manage knowledge. Knowledge management can be harnessed to foster learning in the organisation. It is also important to identify and use knowledge through strategic capabilities, knowledge productivity, and corporate curriculum. Managers of today should think critically about the use of learning and knowledge processes in order to be successful. Increasing globalization, continuous improvements in technology and growing competitiveness of the different industries around the world are just some of the pressures which are forcing some organisations to streamline their business processes and utilize not only their traditional and competitive resources but also their collective knowledge. Every organisation survives in an atmosphere that conditions the way the organisation carries out its business. There are business drivers that have influenced how organisations behave towards knowledge management. The airline industry as a member of the professional services sector recognizes knowledge as a product, people as primary source, mobile workforce and mergers are some of its key business drivers (Abel and Oxbrow, 2001). Learning and Knowledge Management There are many ways to define knowledge management as much as there are a lot of approaches to implementing it and using it. In the context of learning, Alavi and Leidner (2001) describe knowledge management as a dynamic and continuous organisational phenomenon that involves distinct but interdependent processes of knowledge creation, knowledge retrieval, knowledge transfer, and knowledge application. Ponniah (2001, p. 54) defines knowledge management as a systematic process for capturing, integrating, organizing, and communicating knowledge accumulated by employees. He further describes it as a vehicle to share corporate knowledge so that employees may be more effective and be productive in their work. In every organisation, innovation or learning occurs as a result of the flow and transformation of knowledge and other intellectual assets. Accordingly, innovation, whether reorientation or variation, is a reflection of the internal organisational positioning of the firms innovative unit, the character of technological interdependencies in a particular innovation, and the character of knowledge and technological interdependencies (Goodman and Lawless, p. 240). According to Andreu and Sieber (2001, p. 61), differences in knowledge led to differences in learning. For organisations, it is important to have a clear idea about what types of knowledge are present in individuals within the organisation. It is also important for organisations to incorporate relevant knowledge from the environment so that they are capable of offering to potential clients whatever becomes standard in the marketplace. Nonaka (1991) says there is another way to think about knowledge and its role in business orga nisations. He cites as examples some Japanese companies like Honda, Canon, and Sharp. He says that managers of these firms tap on the tacit and often highly subjective insights of employees which often results to a spiral of knowledge at continuing higher levels and it is not simply the processing of factual information. As organisations grow, the level of learning and the quality of knowledge becomes more important and critical to the business inputs and processes. Andreu and Sieber (2001) support this fact by saying that it is the interaction of individuals in a group and therefore the collective character of work in organisations that gave rise to the concept of organisational learning. It is also through organisational learning that organisations are beginning to see the impact of using intellectual assets as another means to fight their way out of the doldrums. Challenges of the Knowledge Economy The information age is marked by the rise of mass customization, dynamic processes, virtual organisations, and a whole set of new practices and administrative structures enabled by global communications and information systems (Meadows et al, p. 38). The essential resources to consider in todays knowledge economy therefore are knowledge, labor, and organisational capabilities (Meadows et al). In an economy that is becoming increasingly driven by new shifts in technology and competition, it is no longer possible for traditional organisations and industries of today to concentrate on their static assets. They must constantly move their resources and adjust to certain communications structures, management practices, personnel development, and sales and marketing strategies. The increasing rates of change, increasing global competition, a more diverse workforce, a more demanding and satisfaction-conscious customers are just some of the challenges that organisations are facing today as they make a transformation from an industrial organisation to a knowledge-based organisation. The greater challenge however lies on how to use knowledge in order to bring out innovative ideas and create more value for the organisation and trigger product and services differentiation. The Corporate Curriculum For an organisation to meet the challenges presented by the knowledge economy, learning and development should be incorporated in the overall corporate plan and business process. The organisation must adopt a corporate culture which integrates the transformation of the organisation using the available intellectual and the internal and external knowledge assets with the corporate development process. Formalized training programs should include a corporate curriculum plan match with the prevailing job and managerial skills of individual members of the organisation to the needs of the entire organisation. It should also provide an avenue for knowledge and the entire learning processes to flourish and help the organisation sustain its competitive edge. There should be programs for enhancing the strategic communication which would guide managers and employees on the how to communicate the mission-vision and the corporate strategy to different levels and departments of the organisation. It should also be able to skillfully impart its mission-vision and guiding principles to its members and clients as well. Programs should also showcase the effective management skills which come with the recruitment and selection process of employees, encouraging motivation, giving due and just compensation, providing coaching and training programs, and enhancing the performance management. Using human resources and learning methods for knowledge management purposes include knowledge management awareness and development of a knowledge sharing attitude and skills as part of a corporate curriculum (Efimova and Swaak). Leadership and personal development should be able to help define the dynamic character of a leader and enhance leadership styles and approaches suitable for the organisation and its environment. It should also help enhance team building activities and help and empower members of the organisation to take charge of their own career development. Sales and Marketing courses should help improve the negotiating and selling skills and market analysis and planning skills as well. Service Excellence should be able to make changes to certain strategies in order to improve customer satisfaction and allow room for a creative problem solving strategy. In this paper, Singapore Airlines (SIA) was chosen as the organisation of choice because the company operates in an emerging economy of Asia which offers an ideal situation in which to discuss the challenges encountered in an evolving knowledge economy. The company is also recognized as an innovation-based organisation that places strong emphasis on value creation through knowledge (Goh, 2005). Strategic Communication Large organisations like SIA take into account the importance of having good communication strategies in order to bring their messages across their members located in different cities and subsidiaries around the world. Kaufman says that SIA publishes a variety of newsletters and company-wide magazines on top of having regular dialogue sessions between management and staff. New suggestions are constantly heard and put forward in different business meetings which was then called Staff ideas in Action (Kaufman). This scheme ensures that feedback from front-line workers was taken into consideration when improving the delivery of services and products. Internal staff communication and information dissemination with employees is also encouraged through a variety of regular departmental meetings (Goh, 2005). These meetings provide the forum for further evaluation of sales, yields and customer satisfaction levels. Goh (2005) adds that over the years, SIAs technology strategy has involved hug e investments in many state-of-the-art technologies In order to strengthen its knowledge networks for predicting the demand and supply of airline seats. SIA deemed it important to use networked knowledge resource as a vital asset in optimizing the allocation of airline seats more effectively. If this networked knowledge is well managed, they are a good influence for pursuing further innovation based on superior performance. Knowledge is therefore best viewed as the catalyst for exploring innovative ideas which occur between and within organisations at knowledge exchanges due to stepped up transfer between knowledge communities. Nonaka (1991) therefore says that managing the knowledge-creating company requires the building of overlapping company information, business activities, and managerial responsibilities which encourages further communication and helps create a common ground for the transfer of open knowledge. In order to innovate effectively, organisations like SIA should also adopt knowledge management practices based on a collaborative knowledge strategy through symbiotic relationships by knowledge sharing. Todays knowledge-based environments require the assimilation of knowledge from diverse disciplines which can be drawn from a variety of fields of expertise. This often results to superior innovative products and practices. In a highly competitive environment such as the airline industry, success generally means that the provision of products and services before ticket purchase and after passenger arrival must be taken seriously. If we are to consider how SIA innovates on its strategic communication process, it is worth noting that SIA management greatly understands the value of constant feedback and the establishment of open communication channels with customers at all times, in any place, and in any situation as the best way to improve on its corporate competitiveness. SIA makes an intensive effort to stay in touch with customers by listening to hidden wants and needs and ensure rapid response to customer complaints. Effective Management Skills SIA is constantly challenged from almost all fronts. Even though its business model is often an envy of other industry players, theres still a lot of room for improvement. In here, SIA must respond by continuously creating new value for the market it serves. It has recently moved from resource allocation of physical assets towards the pursuit of knowledge innovation. This move has enhanced corporate competitiveness by using knowledge together with scientific, technological, organisational, and managerial assets. Managing knowledge is basically managing people (Goh, 2005). It must be made clear however that people-centered priorities are most crucial in a successful knowledge-based enterprise. Machines and technology are often proficient in gathering and performing information tasks. People are more involved in knowledge tasks. It is said that people are the real intelligent agents in knowledge management solutions regardless of how powerful and advanced the technology may be. People are the ones who can identify, assess, analyse, and act upon opportunities for learning brought about by the acquisition of new knowledge in order to help sustain the organisation. Kaufman says that training and other educational programs at SIA are not one-time affairs. SIA recognizes the changing customer expectations and the complexity in handling daily customer contacts can be an exhausting experience. One of SIAs competitive advantages has been its total commitment to talent. SIAs consistency in its training programs allows it to surge ahead in service quality (even during economic slumps) when its competitors are cutting back on training costs. It also demonstrates to all its members that continuous learning and improvement are essential principles for success, and not just for add-ons. Compared to the current industry standards, SIA goes to extraordinary lengths to attract, develop, and retain the best people by recognizing that only people who are trained with the right technological tools can intelligently assemble, interpret, and utilize knowledge for the purpose of servicing the advancement of the organisations innovation goals. Kleiman (1999) contends that training practices and skills development illustrates the commitment of management to constantly improve the skills of its personnel. By investing and incorporating these programs within the overall corporate curriculum, employees do not only get to have an avenue for career development and improve their skills and knowledge. They also bring in different forms of information and expertise (and knowledge) which can be potent weapons by the company in maintaining its competitive advantage. People are motivated to grow for a lot of reasons. First, it augments a persons human capital and labor market position. Second, it aligns the growth with deeper personal intrinsic motives (Wijnhoven, p.303). According to Wheatley (2000, p. 6), human needs and motivation lead us naturally to create knowledge. Studies confirm that people want their work to provide growth, recognition, meaning, and good relationships. We want our lives to mean something, we want to make contributions to society and to other people, and we want to continually learn and improve our skills. Inducing people to work in new ways for quality and innovation may also involve overcoming past habits, values, beliefs, and identity (Michela and Warner Burke, p. 234). Skyrme (2000, p.78) discovers that many companies do not reward people for sharing information. Management consultancies now include peoples contribution to their knowledge bases as part of their performance and salary review. At SIA, excellent staff performance is rewarded with increased pay and position. Individual innovation on how to respond to unique customer situations with exceptionally positive, innovative, or selfless acts of service is added knowledge to the company and is also aptly rewarded with increased pay and position. By empowering their employees and supporting decentralization of decision making and broader workforce participation, employees are usually given prominent roles in running the business. It also encourages greater responsibility for individual and group actions on decisions they make. Leadership and Personal Development Management suggests custodianship, control and a concentration on managing resources that already exist. According to Skyrme (2000), a better term for knowledge management is knowledge leadership. It is more about constant development and innovation of information resources and of knowledge and learning networks. It embraces both the sharing of what is known, and innovation which are the two thrusts of a knowledge-enhanced strategy. Successful knowledge innovations are not characterized by instruction-centered production tasks, and corporate leaders should reduce top-down structures that hinder productive knowledge processes (Goh, 2005). The traditional hierarchy structure and style of management is often seen as detrimental to a knowledge generating culture. In SIAs management hierarchy, managers always have time to listen to employee feedbacks and these feedbacks are valued at every level of the hierarchy. In the concept of a knowledge-based economy, everybody is considered a knowledge worker (Wheatley, 2000). If everybody is assumed to be creating knowledge, then the organisation has a responsibility to provide open access to information to everyone. It is therefore assumed that knowledge will be found everywhere in the organisation, not just in a few places or levels of the organisation. At SIA, the staff is regularly evaluated for performance and potential (Kaufman). Senior managers are frequently rotated within the top positions of the company. The management team is described as having a shared understanding of the big picture due to the great breadth and depth of their experience and reach within the company. Collaboration and team building is closely evidenced by the fact that SIAs products, services, and solutions are heavily invested in order to foster a strong knowledge-sharing culture (Goh, 2005). The introduction of web-based technologies and a company-wide focus on developing team-based competencies to improve the companys capabilities in knowledge collaboration also support the personal development of the organisation. Sales and Marketing According to Kaufman, SIA keeps track of their competitors progress closely while keeping an open eye for new ways to improve and grow. Whenever other service industries (like hotels, banks, and restaurants) take steps forward in their amenities and comfort, SIA takes the initiative to analyse and study innovative ways in which it can leverage and adopt these existing opportunities for their customers satisfaction. To address customer demands, SIA developed a quarterly Service Performance Index that provides a consolidation of statistics relating to customer service (Goh, 2005). This index is closely monitored globally and benchmarked against the service standards of leading airline competitors in the Asian region. SIA also undertakes an environmental scan on consumer trends of competitors and other similar services. Service Excellence In a new knowledge-based economy, clients are more informed and more perceptive and sensitive of their needs and wants. To ensure that these clients new needs are met, knowledge-based organisations should be more customer-centric. At SIA, its strategic centerpiece is on ensuring that customer get the best deal and value on every deal that it makes with its stakeholders. Conclusion: The success of knowledge innovation depends on members of the organisation who utilized the knowledge and not the knowledge itself. In order for an organisation to succeed and sustain its competitive advantage, organisations should have a formal and knowledge-friendly environment where it can promote and cultivate a knowledge-oriented culture and knowledge-driven management and personnel programs. Singapore Airlines is known as one of the best airlines in the world in terms of customer satisfaction and ability to weather the onslaught of new competitors. In general, SIA is faring much better than its competitors because it has consistently aligned its strategic goals and innovation investments with a collaborative knowledge strategy. SIAs technology strategy involved modern technology to strengthen its knowledge network. It has a people-centered philosophy by training and developing its people in order to have knowledge workers in their ranks. SIAs hierarchical management style is st ructured to encourage and value feedback from different levels of the organisation. To meet the challenges of knowledge economy, SIAs corporate curriculum offer a wide range of inspiring and demanding educational programs that continually motivate, upgrade, and improve their employees and managers performance. The main reason why SIA has continually flown on both wings on the sky is that it has found good ways and means of using an intangible asset in the form of knowledge to fuel their drive towards customer service perfection. Bibliography Abel, A and OxBrow, N (2001), Competing with Knowledge, Library Association Publishing, London. Garvey, B and Williamson, B (2002), Beyond Knowledge Management: Dialogue, Creativity, and the Corporate Curriculum, Pearson Education, Harlo, UK. Goodman, R and Lawless, M (1994), Technology and Strategy: Conceptual Models and Diagnostics, Oxford University Press, New York. Kleiman, L (1999), Human Resource Management: A Managerial Tool for Competitive Advantage, 2nd edn. Ponniah, Paulraj (2001), Data Warehousing Fundamentals, John Wiley and Sons, Canada. Andreu, R and Sieber, S (2001), Organisational Learning and Knowledge Management: Where is the link?, Malhotra, Y (ed), Knowledge Management and Business Model Innovation, Idea Group Publishing,London. Meadows, C et al (2001), Building a Competitive Advantage in the Knowledge Economy,Malhotra, Y (ed), Knowledge Management and Business Model Innovation, Idea Group Publishing, London. Michela, J and Warner Burke W (2001), Organisational Culture and Climate in Transformations for Quality and Innovation, Ashkanasy, N et al (eds), Handbook of Organisational Culture and Climate, Sage Publication, London. Skyrme, D (2000), Developing a Knowledge Strategy: From Management to Leadership, Morey, D et al (eds), Knowledge Management: Classic and Contemporary Works, MIT Press, London. Wijnhoven, F (2001), A Framework for Stakeholder-Based Knowledge Valuation in Organisations, Malhotra, Y (ed) Knowledge Management and Business Model Innovation, Idea Group Publishing, London. Efimova, L and Swaak, J (2003), Converging Knowledge Management , Training, and e-Learning: Scenarios to make it work: Proceedings of I-Know 03, Graz, Austria, July 2-4, 2003, Retrieved: February 21, 2006 from i-Know-center online database. Kaufman, Ron (n.d), How Does Singapore Airlines Fly So High? Retrieved last February 21, 2006 from Abel, A and OxBrow, N (2001), Competing with Knowledge, Library Association Publishing, London.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Americans Need More Vacation Time :: Argumentative Essays
ââ¬Å"I really need a vacation!â⬠Is there a more common phrase in the workplace in America today? Iââ¬â¢m sure all of us had uttered that phrase at least once in the last 12 months. Americans are so vacation-deprived, then why is it that almost a third of the American working adults are giving up some earned vacation this year, and when they do go on vacation they still do some work by checking in with office communications, according to a Harris Interactive vacation-related poll? The following table below indicates that the U.S. ranks 10th in term of average number of vacation days around the world per year, with the average of just 13 days per year compared to the United Kingdomââ¬â¢s 28, and Italyââ¬â¢s 42 days per year. Even the average worker in Japan ââ¬â where the term karoshi, which means ââ¬Å"death by overworkâ⬠, was coined gets five weeks of annual paid vacation. Average Number of Vacation Days Around the World Per Year Italyà à à à à 42 days Franceà à à à à 37 days Germanyà à à à à 35 days Brazilà à à à à 34 days United Kingdomà à à à à 28 days Canadaà à à à à 26 days Koreaà à à à à 25 days Japanà à à à à 25 days U.S.à à à à à 13 days Source: World Tourism Organization (WTO). We like to think that weââ¬â¢ve got the worldââ¬â¢s highest standard of living with the per capita GDP of $37,800, 3rd highest in the world , and yet, we are the only industrialized nation that refuses to mandate vacation for workers in the private sector. And if you think we are making the most of those precious few days that we get, you couldnââ¬â¢t be more wrong. According to a study conducted in May 2004 by Harris Interactive, the average American planned not to use three of his or her vacation days this year, up from two days last year. The study also found that nearly 40 percent American said they had canceled or postponed vacations due to work. So whatââ¬â¢s the matter with us?
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Moby Dick Essay
Melvilleââ¬â¢s Moby Dick is widely recognized as one of the most complex and brilliant allegorical novels in American literature. As an allegory, the events, places, people and conflicts depicted in the novel represent not only the obvious surface-level elements of the novel, but stand as indications of the novelââ¬â¢s philosophical and metaphysical themes. The allegory of Moby Dick involves an examination into the nature of reality and also into the nature of good and evil, as defined for Melville partially by Americaââ¬â¢s Puritan heritage. Melville wanted to portray the essence of evil in a symbol, which was the whale, Moby Dick. When Ahab says ââ¬Å"All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks,â⬠(Melville) he is echoing the allegorical construction of the novel in which each thing, such as the whale, Moby Dick, is merely a ââ¬Å"pasteboard maskâ⬠(Melville) which hides the true essence beneath, an ââ¬Å"unknown but still reasoning thingâ⬠(Melville) which ââ¬Å"puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning maskâ⬠(Melville). For Ahab, the white whale is the mask which disguises truth and the revelation of the nature of reality. In this sense, the white whale becomes a symbol for whatever it is that holds mankind back from the perception of absolute reality. Ahab emphatically reveals his Platonic beliefs when he says ââ¬Å"If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there`s naught beyond. â⬠(Melville) In this sense, the whale represents oblivion, the ââ¬Å"naught beyondâ⬠which in Ahabââ¬â¢s mind is plainly associated with death. It is toward the heart of the nature of reality that Ahab strikes with his blood-sealed harpoon, not merely a fish in the ocean. For Ahab the white whale represented both ultimate reality and the wall which separates man from ultimate reality. Ahabââ¬â¢s view of nature and reality is that the visible world and all of the events, people, and actions in it are indicators of deeper, more profound, metaphysical ideas and experiences: when he hunts the white whale which represents evil and oblivion, he is hunting the absolute nature of evil, not merely one of its beasts. The intense hate that Ahab feels for the white whale helps to distinguish Ahabââ¬â¢s view of reality as presented in the novel form the vision of reality Melvile was trying to establish by way of the allegory of the novel. While Ahab believes the white whale to be the symbol of evil, Melvilleââ¬â¢s depiction of evil through the allegorical structure of Moby Dick is shown, ironically, through Ahab himself and not through the symbol of the whale. Instead, for Melville, the whale symbol indicated the cosmic universe and was exhaustively related through his use of cetological detail and science. In this way, Ahabââ¬â¢s obsession and hate are shown to be a tragic flaw along the lines of some of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s heroes, after whom Ahabââ¬â¢s dialogue explaining his motives for hunting Moby Dick are clearly derived. As Ishmael gains a closer, more intimate apprehension of whales, the development of his character and spiritual insight are correspondingly elevated. The more detailed are the cetological experiences and catalogues, the more wholly expressive and self-possessed and sure becomes Ishmael. Still deeper correspondences between the cetological material and Melvilleââ¬â¢s narrative form are established in Ishmaelââ¬â¢s descriptions of the whales ââ¬Å"blubberâ⬠and ââ¬Å"skinâ⬠which he posits as being indistinguishable. This is reflected in the narrative structure of ââ¬Å"Moby Dickâ⬠where it is equally as difficult to apprehend where the ââ¬Å"skinâ⬠(overt theme and storyline) of the novel ends and the ââ¬Å"blubberâ⬠(cetological and whaling discourses and catalogues) begin. Melville makes it perfectly clear that the ââ¬Å"blubberâ⬠is an as indispensable part of his novel as it is for the whaleââ¬â¢s body. ââ¬Å"For the whale is indeed wrapt up in his blubber as in a real blanket or counterpane; or, still better, an Indian poncho slipt over his head;â⬠(Melville) therefore, too, is the expository material, the ââ¬Å"blubberâ⬠of the novel wrapped around its central, allegorical aspects. The detailed cetological aspects of ââ¬Å"Moby Dickâ⬠may, indeed, prevent the reader from an easy, and immediate grasp of the novelââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"meaningâ⬠or even its astounding climax. Just as the whaleââ¬â¢s hump is believed by Ishmael to conceal the whaleââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"true brainâ⬠while the more easily accessed ââ¬Å"brainâ⬠know to whalers is merely a know of nerves, the secret ââ¬Å"coreâ⬠of ââ¬Å"Moby Dickâ⬠can only be pursued with patience and close, deep ââ¬Å"cuttingâ⬠due to the organic and harmonious nature of its narrative form. By keeping in mind the previously discussed aspects of the relationship between ââ¬Å"Moby Dickââ¬â¢sâ⬠comprehensive cetological materials and their symbolic relationship to the novel itself, its form and themes, Ishmael, while discoursing on the desirability of whale meat as fit food for humans, offers an ironic gesture toward the novelââ¬â¢s probable audiences. ââ¬Å"But what further depreciates the whale as a civilized dish, is his exceeding richness. He is the great prize ox of the sea, too fat to be delicately goodâ⬠(Melville).
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Essay - 623 Words
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a document that was written by the United Nations in 1948 spelling out the rights that each human should be entitled to. The declaration initially describes general human rights in the preamble then describes in each specific right in thirty additional articles. After reading the universal declaration, I found that the central points are described in the preamble and throughout the various articles. The declaration addresses points such as the right to happiness, unjust persecution, torturing or enslavement, the right to nationality, social security and the right to take part in government. The declaration also states that everyone should be given equal rights. The declaration wasâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦I do not think that this part of Article 25 is relevant at all in todays world. This is a difficult conflict to resolve in a world with 7+ billion people when too many politicians are involved. The people are the ones who suffer when political indecision results in a lack of aid in situations outlined by this article. In an ideal world, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights would be upheld and every human would be protected by the verses in this document. However, we do not live in an ideal world and many of these issues are more complicated than a document can explain. It is up to the current and next generation of humans to uphold these articles and move forward when needed. We live in an ever-changing world with countless variables. We have wars, terrorists, debt, famine and genocide. I would like to believe that this document is relevantShow MoreRelatedThe Universal Declaration Of Human Rights1728 Words à |à 7 Pagespeople. Culture can impede progress and leave women, minorities and other sub-sects of a society without the basic human rights that they deserve. Clinging too close to culture can be dangerous. The Foundations of a Universal Declaration The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was drafted shortly after the United Nations was established in 1945. The aim of the Declaration was to ensure that an atrocity such as the mass killings of Jews and other minorities in Nazi Germany would never happenRead MoreThe Universal Declaration of Human Rights1131 Words à |à 5 PagesHuman rights are moral principles that set out specific standards of human behavior, and are normally ensured as lawful rights in both national and global law. They are acknowledged to be inalienable, since anybody is characteristically qualified for it essentially on the grounds that they are individuals. Whatever our nationality, sex, shade, religion, dialect, or ethnic source is, we are all just as qualified for our rights without separation or discrimination. All human rights are resolute andRead MoreThe Universal Declaration Of Human Rights Essay1368 Words à |à 6 Pages The Universal Declaration of Human rights was adopted in the UN gene ral assembly by the 10th December 1948. This is the first time that the world recognized that everyone had the right to enjoy freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom from fear and want, and many other rights. International human rights come along way; before there was no rights. The idea of having rights that led to the development of international human rights takes time. There are benchmarks developments in internationalRead MoreThe Universal Declaration Of Human Rights Essay1276 Words à |à 6 PagesA human right is an ethical choice and moral belief belonging to all humans regardless of traits, status, location, color, gender, or belief system. Making the connection to a universal law, the United Nations Rights High Commissioner explains these rights are, ââ¬Å"guaranteed by lawâ⬠and protected as ââ¬Å"fundamental freedomsâ⬠(OHCHR, 2016). The Cambridge Dictionary defines privilege as ââ¬Å"an advantage that only one person or group of people hasâ⬠listing examples such as having a high social position or wealthRead MoreUniversal Declaration Of Human Rights1263 Words à |à 6 PagesAccording to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a doctrine created to ensure a mutual standard of treatment amongst all humans, every person deserves an equal set of life standards. According to Article 18 of this 30 Article document, ââ¬Å"everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teachingRead MoreThe Universal Declaration Of Human Rights1417 Words à |à 6 PagesImplemented in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) delineates the basic rights and freedoms entitled to all humans. The freedom of speech and the right to express beliefs freely is a universal human right protected by Article 19 of the UDHR. It declares that ââ¬Å"everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expressionâ⬠and can ââ¬Å"hold opinions without interferenceâ⬠. The regional agreements of Iran, China and Bahrain are in accordance with the Universal Declaration and are fully dedicatedRead MoreThe Universal Declaration Of Human Rights892 Words à |à 4 PagesHuman rigths is an essential component of a tolerant and individually satisfied society. They are created to defend peopleââ¬â¢s dignity, equality and liberty. However, for thousands of years people lived with no garanteed rights, until 1948, when United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But is the Universal Declaration of Human Rigths really universal to all states and humans living in them? I am going to argue if Human Rights should or should not be unically adapted to differentRead MoreThe Universal Declaration Of Human Rights875 Words à |à 4 PagesI feel that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) does have a western bias. Many people look to US for guidance, but not many other nations copy our way of life. States can sign treaties, but they cannot be reassured that the other nation will keep its word. The US and the UN should maybe not be engaging in promoting western society, but they should be engaging in promoting the protection of human rights. The UN UDHR fought for minimal rights in 1948 by identifying three types of generationsRead MoreThe Universal Declaration Of Human Rights1485 Words à |à 6 Pages1003236982 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states ââ¬Å"that human rights are held by all persons equally and universally foreverâ⬠ââ¬âhence, they are universal held. This is due to them being the exact same for all human beings anywhere in the world. One cannot acquire human rights because of where they come from, but because they are a member of the human race. Nobody can lose those human rights, nor can they be taken away for whatever the reason may be. Together, we have the right to express ourselvesRead MoreThe Declaration Of Universal Human Rights869 Words à |à 4 PagesGeneral Assembly (UNGA) set forth a declaration of universal human rights. The goal was to set a common standard of rights based on ââ¬Å"recognition of the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family.â⬠It was meant to become the perfect social contract but unfortunately was not upheld even by the signatory nations themselves. Many critics now looking b ack have cited the overreaching ideals as the downfall of the declaration but yet many have responded saying it
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